The TV series I fangirled over
At the start of September, after watching a new documentary on Netflix about 9/11, I found myself wanting to watch another show just like it. Netflix presented Homeland to me as an option. I love watching US political and spy thrillers and so this show was right up my alley of interest.
From the very first episode of this show, when Claire Danes’ character, Carrie Mathison said that ‘An American operative capture had been turned’ I was hooked. By season 2, when Rupert Friend’s character, Peter Quinn was introduced and had his first interaction with Carrie, I started to have a new “love team” to root for. Now I know Homeland’s a spy thriller series and I think I would’ve watched the whole series still even without the writers giving me #Quarrie (Quinn and Carrie) to ship. The show was that good! Still, I think that pretty much contributed to why I loved the show as much as I did. In fact, I finished watching all 8 seasons of Homeland by the end of September. My only gripe about this show was that #Quarrie never happened for real.
I’ve watched a lot of series over the years. But I’ve never fangirled over a series as much as I did with Homeland. I finally understand what my best friend is talking about when you love a show, a movie or a character so much that you would devour every article or Youtube clip about it. I did that with Homeland. Actually, still doing it!
I love this series so much, I want to own a copy so I can watch it again even when it’s no longer available to stream on Netflix.
Ever felt that way about a series or a movie?